
From /gwik/

discord pill


 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 void estimate (float days, float mg)
     int type;
     cout << "\n\nchoose your e2\n1 - een\n2 - ev\n\n";
     cin >> type;
     float avg;
     switch (type)
         case 1:
             avg = (mg * 490) / days;
             cout << "\n== een estimates (pg/ml) ==\naverage e2: " <<  avg << "\npeak e2: " << avg * 1.07 << "\ntrough e2: " << avg * 0.93;
         case 2:
             avg = (mg * 453.25) / days;
             cout << "\n== ev estimates (pg/ml) ==\naverage e2: " <<  avg << "\npeak e2: " << avg * 1.45 << "\ntrough e2: " << avg * 0.51;
 float dosageC ()
     bool mode;
     cout << "input 1 for mg to mL conversion or 0 for mL to mg conversion: ";
     cin >> mode;
     if (mode) 
         float conc;
         cout << "your vial's concentration per 10mL (in mg): ";
         cin >> conc;
         float mg;
         cout << "dosage (in mg): ";
         cin >> mg;
         float dose = (10/conc) * mg;
         cout << "your dose of " << mg << "mg is equivalent to " << dose << "mL"; 
         return mg;
         float conc;
         cout << "your vial's concentration per 10mL (in mg): ";
         cin >> conc;
         float ml;
         cout << "dosage (in ml): ";
         cin >> ml;
         float dose = (conc/10) * ml;
         cout << "your dose of " << ml << "mL is equivalent to " << dose << "mg";
         return dose;
 int main() 
     float mg = dosageC();
     string ans; 
     cout << "\nwould you like to estimate your blood test results (not a definitive point of reference)? (Y/N): " << endl;
     cin >> ans;
     if (ans == "Y") 
         int days;
         cout << "days per injection: ";
         cin >> days;
         estimate(days, mg);
     else cout << "\nok!";
     return 0;

stand for

  • TDD, TGD, TCD.
  • trans liberation.
  • diyhrt.